Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Amazing Synchronicities in Everyday Life

Last November I began volunteering with the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP). I help to coordinate their monthly teleconference calls with various movers and shakers in the energy psychology field. These teleconference calls are free to ACEP members and are recorded and kept as part of the ACEP members library. For more information about ACEP, please visit the ACEP website.

One of the first people I contacted to see if he would like to be the speaker on one of the ACEP calls was Dr. Daniel Benor, who is the creator of WHEE - which combines aspects of EFT together with EMDR. Daniel is going to be the speaker for February's teleclass. You can learn more about Daniel and WHEE at his website.

I am particularly interested in learning more about WHEE as I believe Zensight and WHEE likely share some similarities.

A few days ago, Daniel emailed me asking if I would be interested in writing an article for the International Journal of Healing and Caring. I noticed, to my surprise, that his autosignature indicated he was located in Guelph, ON which is about half an hour away from me. This was very surprising information as I had been under the impression he was located in the United States.

Yesterday I replied to his email and said that I would be happy to submit an article. I mentioned in passing that I was surprised to see he was located in Guelph and let him know that I was in Milton.

Daniel promptely emailed back and said that he was even more surprised, as at that very moment he was sitting in Milton, and mentioned the intersection he was located at.

It took a few seconds for me to absorb that information. When I did, I phoned him immediately.

It turns out that not only have Daniel and I - creators of quite similar energy healing modalities - unbeknownst to each other, been seeing clients in the same town, our offices are even located in the same building, right across the hall from each other.

Apparently Daniel was living in New Jersey when we first started communicating, but moved to Canada last month.

I think that we were equally floored by the synchronicity involved in this, especially as Milton is a relatively small community that has few therapists and to my knowledge there are only 3 of us, including Daniel and myself, who practice alternative modalities of any kind.

Yes, it confirms to me yet again, that the Universe does have a sense of humour!

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